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Are you ready to change, transform and learn how to be fully present in the moment and develop an inner state of peace and wellbeing that doesn’t depend on circumstances? As most of us know, changing old patterns and habits can be difficult and everybody is different and has unique needs.




REFOCUS and see challenges from a different perspective, RECONNECT to develop greater trust and harmony which will allow you to develop RESILIENCE by nurturing a new mindset, reduce stress, revitalise and learn how to discover how be happy and embrace the flow of life by balancing your mind, body and soul.


Then I have good news, because the series of online happiness balance workshops and Coaching and Mentoring programme are a catalyst for change and transformation and will give you an opportunity to discover how ‘be happy’ balanced, conscious and connected and enjoy life more.


Sam and her team accept, appreciate, understand and respect how challenging it can be to find time and balance what is important to you with the busyness of life. Therefore, the valuable insightful online workshops have been created to provide freedom and flexibility for you to listen or watch the modules in your time.


Sam and her team are also aware of the importance of connecting with others through this transformational journey and not feeling isolated or alone. Therefore, Sam and her team provide The Happy Balanced Community Call which is a live online (zoom) motivational mentoring sessions to online workshop participants throughout the world that would like to celebrate their successes and continue growing, evolving and transforming with like-minded individuals.


Sam and her team feel it is important that we can do what we can to tackle climate change and help nature flourish, for us and the next generation. So Sam and her team will plant a tree for any participant that attends the Happy Balanced Programme with the National Trust to create new habitats which allow us to continue enjoying being in nature.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Victor Frankl



Aristotle said Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life. The whole aim and end of human existence.




Everyone has a different idea of happiness. Follow your own path, not someone else’s.


Would you like to raise your happiness level?

How would you like to live a more fulfilled and relaxed life?

Would you like to feel vibrant, energetic and alive?

How would you feel if you could have time to enjoy what makes you happy?

Would you like to reduce stress and enhance your wellbeing?

Are you ready to transform your life?




Even though we’re aware that there is an epidemic of unhappiness, there is good news, scientific research has cracked the happiness code and we know what it takes for people to be happier and that’s what I'm hoping to share with you.


If you are ready to change and transform your life and learn how to learn how to take responsibility and ownership for your Inner home for happiness by learning to live from happiness, rather than for happiness. Then, I have good news, because this uplifting, invigorating and transformational series of workshops will give you the opportunity to make changes so you can become a happier version of yourself by learning practical tools to help you respond to challenges in life with resilience, self-acceptance, kindness, love and understanding.


There are limited places on the Follow your Path to Happiness online workshops, so please contact Sam or a member of her team for more information and to add your name to the waiting list.



Would you like to feel an inner state of pure unconditional love to yourself and others?

Would you like to speak and listen from your heart?

Would you like to feel comfortable giving and receiving love?

Would you like to feel content and love life as it is? 

Would you like to feel love and compassion for yourself and others?

Are you ready to transform your life?

If you don’t follow your heart, you might spend the rest of your life wishing you had.
Brigette Nicole


If you are you ready to change and transform your life and live in the flow of love and learn how to develop an inner state of love that doesn’t depend on external conditions, circumstances or other people and learn how to love inside out, be fully present in the moment, feel connected with yourself and live a more heart centred authentic life?


Then, I have good news, because this nurturing, supportive, loving and transformational series of workshops will help you to learn practical tools to help you respond to life challenges and give you the opportunity to learn how to bring love to your outer experiences rather than try to extract love from them and experience, freedom, peace, joy and openness and flow and vitality in your life.


There are limited places on the Follow your Heart to Freedom  online workshops, so please contact Sam or a member of her team for more information and to add your name to the waiting list.

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